23 August 2006
Loghill Village Home & Property Owners’ Assoc.
Annual Meeting
(Called to order at 18:40)
H&POA board was introduced, Reggie Kajer, president, Jim Kennedy, vice-president, Bill Fairbairn, treasurer and Beth Williams, secretary. The 2006 Newsletter was mentioned and an overview given.
The Architectural Control Committee is in good working order, functioning well
and the process is good; the ACC did weather a couple of law suits this past
year. Reggie thanked the ACC committees for all their hard work.
Our roads have been paved, thank you Ed von Delden and all those that worked on the project.
Enforcement of the covenants is now in place and will not be heavy handed. At this time we would like to inform residents that there now will be enforcement of the covenants.
The annual meeting is not the time to air your personal grievances; you may contact the board or Reggie directly.
Sara Coulter:
Sara reminded everyone in attendance that there is a fire evacuation plan which covers the bottom of the Mesa to Colona. This was developed during the summer of 2002 when everyone was thinking “what would we do if there was a fire?” A fire evacuation plan was developed and a call list implemented which included identifying special needs residents. The plan has not been updated since 2002 and Sara is looking for someone to step forward to help bring it up-to-date. Sara did say that we do have reverse 911 but this not foolproof.
Bill Fairbairn (H&POA Treasurer):
The H&POA now has a basic and simple financial set-up resulting from the consolidation of funds through one bank. There is a checking account at Citizen’s Bank in Ridgway, also treasury bills that have staggered maturity dates. Currently the H&POA has a little over $9,000 in checking and $60,000 in treasury bills consisting mostly of building deposits.
Election results - Reggie Kajer and Jim Kennedy were re-elected, Bill Fairbairn and Beth Williams were elected to the H&POA board. Chris Martin and Jane Nash were elected to the Unit I & II ACC committee. Dickson Pratt was elected to the Unit IV ACC committee.
Ed von Delden:
Ed thanked the volunteer flaggers for their time during the paving project last summer; also wanted to thank the road committee who put in two years of effort into the paving project. The originally planned eight miles plus an additional one mile of roads were paved. Some funds remain to effect certain clean-up that still remains and hopefully will be addressed before the end of this season, including intersections whose radius (radii) were not paved properly. The sharp curve on Canyon will be eased with fill by the county and United Companies will pave the additional surface.
With regards to road signs and striping of the paved roads, the county will install some road signs. Note: there are no speed limit signs on the back portion of Ponderosa Drive and none at all on Pine Drive. Road striping was never defined. The county is saying that there is a liability issue if the roads remain free of striping. It is unclear who would incur the cost of striping the roads and it is also unclear as to what type of striping is required let alone desired by the residents of LHV. Note: an impromptu vote was taken as to what type of striping the attendees would agree to, it appears that most either would like to see no striping at all or a solid single line.
Ed and the Road Committee will look further into the issue of striping.
Jim Kennedy (H&POA Vice-President):
Jim encouraged attendees to mingle after the conclusion of the meeting. He was not going to say anything about lighting, but did have handouts for those that were interested. Insurance has been renewed for officers of the H&POA and Jim thanked those H&POA members who responded to the by-laws.
The Log Hill Village & Fairway Pines phone list was updated and distributed this past year and Jim thanked Beth Williams for her work on the project. Dickson Pratt has been hard at work on many projects including road paving; new street signs (new placards with three inch letters) as well as the sweeping of gravel off the newly paved roads.
Jim reminded everyone that the speed limit on all Log Hill Village roads is 25 mph.
H&POA membership dues are $35 of which approximately one third of owners elect to join (Jim encouraged everyone to join the H&POA.) An attendee asked why membership to the H&POA was voluntary; Jim responded that the voluntary membership statement was in the by-laws. The building fee for Units I, II & IV is $2500. $1500 is returned to the owner at the time of completion, $1000 is kept by the ACC/H&POA to cover insurance, covenant enforcement and legal advice.
The ACC has given preliminary approval to the new fire station site. Jim wanted to reiterate that we all think that this is a great project. John Boughner was in the attendance and stated that there is no final plan for the structure. It will be different from the original plan due to changes in site, construction costs and additional vehicles; at this time the Fire District is looking for more money from DOLA.
Recent articles in the local paper(s) have decently covered the CWIN Tower project proposed by the Fire District. At present the Fire District has asked for an extension on the meetings scheduled due to new information presented to them regarding the possible alternative site for the tower.
Balloons were floated at the Fire District’s suggested sights and all variations were deemed not acceptable by the H&POA board as well as the ACC committee. ACC has been working with Alan Staehle as well as Colorado state officials to come up with a more appropriate site and the result of this work has pinpointed Jim Willey’s “tower farm” as a better site for the CWIN tower.
Jim wanted to remind everyone that the Fire District is not “us versus them.” If you have any questions about the CWIN tower project please contact Jim Kennedy or Sheelagh Williams.
Beth Williams (H&POA Secretary):
Loghill Village Home & Property Owners’ Association has a website. The URL address is www.loghillvillage.org. Bill Fairbairn’s daughter Casey Fairbairn developed the site to this point and now Beth will take things over and further enhance and maintain the site (once she gets up to speed on website development.) Beth suggested for everyone to check the website out and give her feedback.
Sheelagh Williams (Unit I & II ACC Committee):
The ACC article in the newsletter covers most of the work this past year. Sheelagh did want to mention that color, height restrictions, site clean-up (on site as well as on the roads) and deposits were being closely monitored. If anyone sees a problem Sheelagh suggests that you contact an ACC committee member.
Sheelagh did want to encourage all residents to pick-up trash around their homes as well as out and about when noticed and to control noxious weeds. The county now has a full-time weed “guy” and Dickson Pratt is on the board so either would be a good person to contact with your questions regarding noxious weeds. The county does prohibit an individual from adopting more than one mile of road for weed mitigation, so Sheelagh has had to cut back.
Regarding Dallas Creek Water and the subsequent PUC, no decision yet has been made by the judge after the evidentiary hearing. Go to the PUC website, the Dallas Creek docket is now listed as a high profile to stay apprised of any decisions or actions.
Jim Kennedy (speaking on behalf of the Covenant Enforcement Committee):
24 letters have been mailed out to residents regarding violation of the covenants, anything from trash, trailers, dogs, etc. Mary Hocevar has been hired to act as enforcement; all questions or responses should be presented to Mary. The CEC members, Bill Hanson and Larry Heeren will work with Mary to resolve issues, if severe then the H&POA board will be involved.
Mary is paid $25 per hour. Note: Mary has been working in a similar capacity for Fairway Pines for a couple of years now. The process is as follows: letter, phone call, H&POA president and board, small claims court.
Scott Williams (Parks & Recreation):
Parks & Rec is separate from the H&POA. It has a very small budget. Meetings are posted at the mailboxes as well as at least two of the trailheads; an email notice of meetings can be arranged, please contact Scott if you’re interested.
The trails were completed in June 2005 thanks to volunteers, most importantly Roger Smith. Please remember that no wheels are allowed on the trails, dogs must be on leash and be respectful/mindful of private property bordering the trails.
Inspiration Point is available to LHV residents but also the general public. Rules and regulations for Inspiration Point can be obtained from Parks & Rec (also will be posted on the LHV website.)
Parks & Rec is working on surveys and encroachment of property issues. The Schenk issue was resolved last year and the Schneider issue is being resolved this year. Unit IV open space is not owned by Parks & Rec but they are working with the owner, Soloman in hopes of gaining ownership.
Eighteen acres of fuel mitigation was performed last year and funds are allocated for this year. The Deerfield open space is being cleared of signs. Tax rates went down for 2006. The Parks & Rec balance as of May 3 was $14,475.
A reminder that pets must be kept under control. Many times the person/owner is unaware of the pet’s behavior so rather than first contacting Reggie, contact the person/owner. Nuisance barking is not acceptable and can be addressed through the CEC by contacting Mary Hocevar or one of the committee members.
Jim Kennedy was recognized by the H&POA for his years of contribution to the board and ACC committee.
It was asked whether there were rules for the bulletin board at the mailbox; the rule is no commercial advertising, or advertising of your “stuff” for sale. It would be helpful if a date would be present so that periodically the board can be cleared.
Jill von Delden suggested that the Loghill Village H&POA hold semi-annual meetings in order for residents to be better acquainted as well as informed. All in attendance were in favor of this idea and it will be discussed further. It was pointed out that now that there is a website it will be easier for people to stay informed.
(Adjourned at 20:50)
Beth Williams
Loghill Village H&POA Secretary