Reggie Kajer, Jim Kennedy, Beth Williams and Bill Hanson in attendance.
The annual newsletter which includes the HOA and ACC boards’ ballots as well as HOA membership dues was discussed. Reports from all committees and the president are due 10 July and the newsletter will be mailed out before the annual meeting, approximately 1 August.
Reports that will be included: the president’s note (Reggie), ACC (Sheelagh Williams collaborating with Jim Kennedy), Covenant Enforcement Announcement/Overview (Bill Hanson) and a road’s update (Beth compiling information from Dickson Pratt and Dennis Conrad). It was decided to keep the HOA treasurer’s report confidential but to have a status of the ACC’s funds.
Beth Williams will manage the content, printing and mailing of the newsletter. Jim Kennedy asked that the board ballots list current members as well as those that are up for election.
Dues were discussed and it was decided to have them remain at $35. An increase may be considered next year after the covenant enforcement is up and running and its costs are realized.
The annual meeting was set for Wednesday, 23 August, 18:30-20:30. Jim was going to speak to the owners of the “clubhouse” to inquire as to whether we would be able to use the restaurant area for the meeting.
The picnic has been set for Wednesday, 9 August. Bill Hanson made a suggestion that it would be nice if the board members of the HOA would attend.
Covenant Enforcement and its committee and staff were discussed. Larry Heeren and Bill Hanson comprise the committee and Mary Hocevar as staff, more specifically the compliance officer. An email should go out to ask the HOA board for their approval of the Covenant Enforcement Committee and staff. It was decided that expenses from the Covenant Enforcement committee would be covered ½ HOA and ½ ACC.
The president of the HOA, Reggie should be made aware via email or snail mail of the Covenant Enforcement committee or staff’s actions. When necessary photos will be taken of covenant violations but it was suggested by Jim that those photos not be sent to the home/lot owner.
Approval for payment to Mary Hocevar for current expenses was approved.
Website status is unknown. Beth will contact Bill Fairbairn to get a status report from he and Casey Fairbairn. Beth would like the website up and running prior to the newsletter being mailed out and will work towards that goal.
It was suggested that Dennis Conrad submit his resignation from the board position of secretary and that the board elect Beth Williams to that position. Dennis has submitted his resignation and it was accepted by the board; Beth Williams was elected as secretary.
Bill Fairbairn should do what’s necessary for Beth to become an approved signature on the HOA checking accounts.
Lastly, Bill Hanson asked whether it was necessary for the HOA to have office space. Bill was concerned about the checking account books be accessible. Reggie offered that two people have access to these books and that at this time office space was not necessary.
Beth Williams
Log Hill Village HOA Secretary